Sama Yoga

Teacher Training Team

Teacher training team

“We’ve given the Sama Yoga Teacher Training programs since 2007 and I must say it’s been an amazing journey! It’s been a great pleasure and joy sharing my heart, and passion for yoga, seeing the many students bloom and become great teachers. I too have grown a lot and continue to find better ways of conveying the Yoga teachings, mostly by being a devoted student of yoga in all aspects of my life.”

Main Teachers


    Sky Akasha

    Sky Akasha found a passion for yoga in 1991 and has taught several styles of yoga since year 2000, always coming back to the simple and deep principles in the tradition of Hatha Yoga. Gracefully incorporating wisdom from Qigong, Ayurveda and Bhagavad Gita (yoga shastra) into his classes gives his delivery a certain integrity and well-rounded approach.

    His dedicated studies in Vedanta for the past 20+ years as well as a 1 year residential course in Ayurveda with Dr Lad, has given a good grounding in the purpose and practices of Yoga as a way of achieving balance, harmony and total fulfillment in this life. His classes are always spontaneous and deeply honoring of his students.

    As he says, “I’m like the milkman, I just deliver the milk, fulfilling the sacred and even unspoken orders of the students”. Taught with relaxed passion, humour and clear understanding of the poses and their benefits, one finds his unique classes inspiring and rewarding.

    Sky is the founder of Sama Yoga and since 2001 he has taught full time on courses, teacher trainings, festivals as well as weekly classes in many parts of the world. Since 2007 he is a registered “Experienced Teacher” in the Yoga Alliance.

    Sky is the main teacher during the education and teaches about 70 % of the classes, teaching Yoga Asanas, Ayurveda, Teaching skills, Chanting, Puja, Meditation and Yoga Lifestyle wisdom.


    Sanna Akasha-Tobias

    Sanna Akasha-Tobias found meditation and yoga at the age of 16 and has been committed to a daily practice since then. She often says it felt like coming home. Her interest spans over all the aspects of yoga including Advaita Vedanta (self knowledge, what gives happiness and peace), Sanskrit, traditional Chanting & Ceremony as well as Yoga shāstra (yoga as a lifestyle committed to personal growth).

    Her name is very appropriate, it means “truth”, which has been her motivation and goal for as long as she can remember. She radiates an honesty and openness that invites immediate comfort and trust in all her students and clients. On the teacher training she offers classes in vedanta, sanskrit, ceremony, chanting as well as personal guidance.

    Sanna brings a cheerful and dedicated presence to the courses which really supports everyone, especially the students in their processes. From her diverse background, which has included mindfulness, engineering, animals, physically challenged children, sports competition and extensive travels among other things, she has gained a deep humility and respect for each individuals journey and the ability to inspire and uplift whoever she meets.

    Together with her husband, Sky, Sanna teaches on retreats, teacher trainings and festival around the world, as well as online classes in Vedanta and Sanskrit. She also leads company development and leadership workshops based in the yogic practices merged with modern research.

    During the course she teaches Vedanta & Yoga Shastra, Lifestyle wisdom & Psychology, Sanskrit, Chanting, Meditation and Puja as well as personal coaching support.



    Anna Sunesson is devoted to yoga life, teaching and maintaining a steady practice, self-reflection and exploring her passion to grow. At the Sama TT she brings in elements from the yin & restorative yoga, special knowledge on how to teach beginners, as well as extensive experience of how to run classes & retreats. Anna keeps contact with students before and during course, and takes care of holding space for the group and giving personal support at the steps. It’s her you’ll be in contact with for questions and application.

    Anna’s heart is at home in the earth, offering her home-grown foods and her knowledge of nature is a deep part of who she is. She truly values non-injury (ahimsa) and lives in harmony with nature with her feet in the earth. Anna has great organizational skills and ideas plus the ability to implement them in course form. She has started up the yoga travel company “Yatra Yoga resor” where she gives retreats around the world as well as teaching weekly classes in her home town. Among others, Anna has followed these valuable trainings:

    -Yin and Restorative Teacher Trainings with Magdalena Mcweld

    -Swastha Yoga Theraphy Training with Dr Ganesh Mohan

    -Sama Yoga Teacher Training with Sky

    During the course she teaches Yin/Restorative, Teaching skills, Puja and practical tips around giving courses and stepping into the role of a Yoga teacher. She also gives personal coaching support.

  • Put your hand into the water, it goes right thru the wave. The space between names and forms, untouched by storms

    A poem by Sky

  • One cannot measure infinite treasures, mmmmmm, take another day to ponder... It may take some days longer

  • So beautiful like the moon lights up each and every room. Far away and yet so near, always you've been here

  • Closer than a thought or breath, present every birth and death. After and before, there could be no less or more

Guest Teachers

  • Petra Parvati Kalla

    Petra Parvati Kalla

    More info coming

  • Swamiji


    More info coming

  • Musician

    Johan Bysell

    More info Coming

  • Sharada Devi

    More info coming

  • Inga-Lill Tellskog

    More info coming

A little more about our teachers

  • Shri Radhaji, Dr Carol Whitfield, is a vedanta teacher and sanskrit scholar, teacher at the CIIS University in San Fransisco as well as an accomplished therapist and PhD in psychology. She lives like a monk, devoted to hindu dharma (universal values) and traditions. She studied with Swami Dayanandaji since the 1970s and was for many years the manager of one of his ashrams. Both of them have the rare combination of understanding both the eastern teachings as well as psychology and the needs of a modern mind and the western mind.

  • Shri Pujya Swāmi Dayānanda Saraswati – words fall short to describe our revered Guru Pujya Swamiji. He completely revived the tradition of Vedanta and Hindu Dharma and has impacted millions of peoples lives world wide.

  • Shri Swami Vagishanandaji is a sanyasi, vedanta scholar and chanting master for the past 40 years (he participated in five 3,5yr residential courses with Swami Dayanandaji!).

To be so close with our teachers is a profound blessing. Om Shri Gurubhyo Namah.

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